Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Scenes from a dinner party.

It wasn't meant to be a party per se, but what started as an intimate and relaxed meal at home with friends turned out to be one of the finest nights I've had in a long while. There were cocktails and chit chat while I finished cooking, followed by lively conversation and laughs and a Vietnamese feast. I made braised tofu in caramel sauce for the second time, along with a chili and cucumber salad that simultaneously burned and soothed my lips in the best way possible. We drank Riesling and Pinot Noir. After dinner one guest, who is Swiss and arrived in New York yesterday afternoon, shared cheese and chocolate and a very good bottle of absinthe. We left the dishes and retreated to the living room, where we listened to The Mamas & the Papas on vinyl and let sleep set in. And it was a fine sleep, full of aquamarine dreams inspired by a good day's work and some damn good tofu. Below, some scenes captured by Tracy.

Cucumber and chili salad
Place setting
Tofu and wine key
Plated tofu and onions
Table scene


Anonymous said...

I would love to know what you did to that tofu-I am hungry right now and it looks FANTASTIC. Seems we share a similar idea of a fine evening-sounds like it was a wonderful night.

JJN said...

There's a link to the recipe I got from The Times. It's not a quick meal, but it's worth every second. It's absolutely wonderful!

Tamara said...

Yum-picture perfect